Two Tuesday Evenings

April 30th & May 7th 6:30-8:30pm ET

The 7-Rays are 7 distinct streams of cosmic energy that affect everything in our world. They affect, condition, and create it! The 7 Rays are divine qualities that animate and describe everything around us… including you!

We each have a particular combination of rays that influence our body, emotions, and mind; as well as our personality and soul. This structure of energy allows us to respond to life in our own individual way. The rays bring forward certain strengths, passions and aspirations, providing us with unique opportunities for growth. You have been form-fit with vibrational excellence!

​This class will introduce you to every aspect of the 7-Rays. We will explore their purpose, influence, origin, and useful ways to engage them in everyday life. We will look at their relationship to astrology, psychology, physiology, kingdoms in nature, and to the evolution of the soul.


Steve Kramer

After more than a decade of exploring subtle energy healing as a patient, Steve became a practitioner in 2007. He completed basic and advanced curriculum through the International Network for Energy Healing (INEH) and the National Association for Esoteric Healing (NAEH). He is a certified practitioner (CPEH) through NAEH, and a certified Esoteric Healing teacher through INEH.

Steve resides in Vermont where he is the President of the Board of Directors of Spirit Fire, an educational non-profit focused on fostering spirituality and educating people on the importance of consciousness in everyday life. He oversees the organization's meditation program, the Practice of Living Awareness; he is also a trained instructor of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) through the Mindfulness Center at Brown University. Steve co-founded the School for Integrated Consciousness with Martha Henry-MacDonald, where he teaches esoteric studies.