Esoteric Healing Course 2


Pre-class materials will be released on Saturday, October 26, 2024.

Class meets on Wednesday evening, November 13 from 6-9pm, and Friday-Sunday, November 15-17 from 9am-5pm ET

EH2 live classes are offered via Zoom. This is an immersive program and requires attendance for all of the live classes to move forward in the training.

Read the full description

of all of our Esoteric Healing courses.

Meet your instructors:

Martha Henry-MacDonald & Steve Kramer

Martha Henry-MacDonald

Hello, my name is Martha Henry-MacDonald and I am delighted to be a founder of the School of Integrated Consciousness! Integrating forty years of training, teaching and hands-on experience as a physical therapist has fostered a deep respect for the complexities of the human being and the application of allopathic and esoteric methods of healing. This, combined with thirty years of deep immersion into the subtle aspects and fields of healing, science, esoteric studies, psychology, and meditation, I bring a unique integrated approach to bridging heart, mind, science and spirit to support the awakening of human consciousness, healing, and inspiring a culture of heart. In addition to my clinical practice and international teaching on many topics including Esoteric Healing, I am a coordinator and teacher trainer for the International Network for Energy Healing (INEH). I am so pleased that you are joining us in the conscious inquiry and empowered transformative journey into the mysteries of life, love, healing and our place in this evolving universe!

Steve Kramer

After more than a decade of exploring subtle energy healing as a patient, Steve became a practitioner in 2007. He completed basic and advanced curriculum through the International Network for Energy Healing (INEH) and the National Association for Esoteric Healing (NAEH). He is a certified practitioner (CPEH) through NAEH, and a certified Esoteric Healing teacher through INEH.

Steve resides in Vermont where he is the President of the Board of Directors of Spirit Fire, an educational non-profit focused on fostering spirituality and educating people on the importance of consciousness in everyday life. He oversees the organization's meditation program, the Practice of Living Awareness; he is also a trained instructor of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) through the Mindfulness Center at Brown University. Steve co-founded the School for Integrated Consciousness with Martha Henry-MacDonald, where he teaches esoteric studies.